martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Scorn, disdain and other guilty pleasures (Lust for Self-Destruction)

Watching from afar, I am satisfied by your pathetic attempts to get a life. I could care less, I do at times in fact, but there is something there that still pulls me to your gallery of horrors. My own reasoning makes little sense in fact, but you know how these things go. A smooth silk thread that joined our lives turned into a heavy chain and, in the end, into a spiked ring around our necks, but you cannot savor nor understand this pleasure.
Who is the victim? Who is the slave in this puny game of words and mistakes? I left you behind in the trail of thorns that you decided to grow, it was not my fault that you decided to get into gardening poisonous flowers while you could get fruits from our tree. Your idiocy is maybe your most prominent sense and it clings to your mere presence like an extra appendix that you use to take all the wrong decisions at the wrong times.
Lucky for me that I just watched the whole freakshow and did not try to get you out of the sea of red stinging things that you grew around you. It was somewhat wrong knowing that I should have said something at that time, but, oh well, I hate to admit that it was funny as hell. Hey, you cannot really reason this kind of things with me, you lost me a long time ago, remember?
Don't you dare to call me a liar, do not even think I was the one to betray. You never really relied on me to take any decision, you never ever told me what was your next step. It was easier that way, thinking you were following the most reasonable path while threading a perfect trail to hell. I tried to tell you but to no avail, but then again, it was all in vain as you never really listen to me. Why do you insist now; I got used to being ignored and eventually faded with the background noise, you were never really listening if that is what you want to know.
I feel it is wrong to treat you with such scorn, but I just cannot avoid feeling that this is what you deserve. You tried to have it all, to have everything your way and in the end it, the harder you tried, the deeper you fell. Do not ask for a rope, not even a light, you dug that pit and suddenly realized that there is no easy way out of that thing. You still have the shovel, so maybe you can try digging some more...
Sorry, but there is no other way to tell you that you are completely sunk into what you deemed as a perfectly reasonable path to get what you desired. Just a word of advice:
Absolutely, if you have another chance in life, do not try again to make me look as a fool. This is what you get when you mess around with common sense.

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